Monday, July 25, 2005


Sunday 24 July 2005

The compartment situation remained the same until we arrived in Budapest - luxury. Conductors tried to get us to pay 24 Euros extra as we had come a different route and had been undercharged. We refused politely explaining that it was their problem since our tickets quite clearly said Prague to Budapest - the bunnies didn't get a bean. Then the little ponce in charge of the backpackers tried to short change us by 2o US Dollars, ferrety little bastard. Budapest is less Westernised than Prague but has its own beauty. It has not preserved its heritage as Prague has, with new and old buildings next to each other. The Danube though is magnificent and obviously Magyer decorative works are all over the buildings. Budapest always was going to be less of a quest of the grail site-seeing-wise, so we have restricted ourselves to wandering around taking in the sights and smells as it were.


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